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Meeting 5 2024 (27 November)

Meeting 5 of 2024 will be held on 27 November, at 1pm AEDT. We will be reading Owen C. King, "Archival meta-metadata: revision history and positionality of finding aids", Archival Science , vol 24, pp 509-529,  (on open access). Please RSVP by registering here: Also, please come with your ideas for articles you're interested in reading and discussing at future meetings. If you're super keen, you can add your suggestions to our Zotero library . If you would like more information, send us an email .   Image credit: pampi89, 'Women sitting reading their own books at home', vector image, URL: (accessed September 2020)
Recent posts

Meeting 4 2024 (25 September)

Meeting 4 of 2024 will be held on 25 September 1pm AEST. We will be reading Eira Tansey,  A Green New Deal for Archives , Council on Library & Information Resources, 2023, Please RSVP by registering here: Also, please come with your ideas for articles you're interested in reading and discussing at future meetings. If you're super keen, you can add your suggestions to our Zotero library . If you would like more information, send us an email .

Meeting 3 2024 (16 August)

Meeting 3 of 2024 will be held on Friday 16 August, at 1pm AEST. We will be reading Ana Ndumu, Diana E. Marsh, Victoria Van-Hyning and Sydney Triola (2022), "Panopticism and Complicity: The State of Surveillance and Everyday Oppression in Libraries, Archives and Museums", in Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies  Vol 4 No 1:  A supplementary reading for the discussion is: SAA Native American Archives Section and Human Rights Archives Section, "Towards Inclusive Reading Rooms: Recommendations for Decolonizing Practices and Welcoming Indigenous Researchers", We will be joined by author Diana Marsh for the discussion. Please RSVP by registering here: Also, please come with your ideas for articles you're inte...

Reminder: meeting next week

Just a reminder that the next meeting of the critical archives reading group will be held on Wednesday 10 April, at 1pm AEST. We will be reading Jordana Silverstein, "Files, Families and the Nation: An Archival History, Perhaps",  Journal of Australian Studies  Vol 47 Issue 4, 2023, We will be joined by author Jordana Silverstein for the discussion. Please RSVP by registering here:

Meeting 2 2024 (10 April)

Meeting 2 of 2024 will be held on Wednesday 10 April, at 1pm AEST. We will be reading Jordana Silverstein, "Files, Families and the Nation: An Archival History, Perhaps", Journal of Australian Studies  Vol 47 Issue 4, 2023, We will be joined by author Jordana Silverstein for the discussion. Please RSVP by registering here: Also, please come with your ideas for articles you're interested in reading and discussing at future meetings. If you're super keen, you can add your suggestions to our Zotero library . If you would like more information, send us an email .  

Meeting 1 2024 (12 February)

Meeting 1 of 2024 was held on 12 February, 1pm AEDT. We read Gracen M. Brilmyer, 2022, "Towards a Crip Provenance: Centering disablity in archives through its absence", Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies: Also, please come with your ideas for articles you're interested in reading and discussing at future meetings. If you're super keen, you can add your suggestions to our Zotero library . If you would like more information, send us an email .

Survey results

Happy new year to all and we hope it has been an enjoyable start to 2024. Thanks to those who completed our survey at the end of 2023 about the reading group. Most people who completed the survey were regular attendees of the reading group or came when they could. We look forward to welcoming those who said they were interested in attending but hadn’t made it yet! In terms of how often people wanted to meet, the majority said that 5-6 meetings a year would suit them best, so that is what we will go with for 2024. If there is interest in having more meetings, this can be arranged if people are happy to choose the readings and chair the session. When asked what days were best to meet, the majority picked Wednesday as their preferred day, with Monday and Fridays close behind. Noone wants to meet on Tuesdays! So we have decided that this year we will rotate meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, remaining at the 1pm AEST/AEDT time. The time may also change depending on the avai...